Welcome to Southern Indiana Waterjet

Southern Indiana Waterjet, located in Evansville, Indiana, is a provider of high quality cutting services for multiple material types and a variety of industries using the latest in waterjet cutting technology. Using our MAXIEM JetMaching Center, we can deliver accurate 2-axis waterjet cutting services to fit your needs with quick turnaround times and at highly competitive pricing.

What is a Waterjet?

A waterjet utilizes a high pressure stream of water to erode a narrow line in the stock material.  Typically a garnet abrasive is added to the waterjet to increase the cutting power, but the waterjet can cut some materials using water only.  Therefore, the waterjet is a very versatile machine that can cut a variety of materials up to nearly 4" thick. 



We are dedicated to providing the highest quality cutting services at competitive prices and committed to working with you to make your project successful.



Browse through our gallery to see different types of materials that were cut using waterjet technology.